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For those of you who know me, you know that I have a beautiful, awesomely talented daughter who shares an artists' practice with her equally brilliant husband. They go under the name Maslen & Mehra. While I'm bragging about them, proud Mama might as well share their website here:

For some reason it's not converting into an actual link but you can just copy and paste if you're interested.

Jen and Tim have reinvented themselves many times, always using their immense breadth of talents and skills, to keep their boat afloat, from making the art you see on their website to working in the film industry constructing sets and effecting difficult paint finishes. But in these trying times, fine art and the film industry aren't exactly going great guns so Jen and Tim have turned their talents to cooking and a couple of months ago, started a Facebook site which they call Korona Kitchen. (Check it out!)  Here, resourceful people from all over the world share their recipes and experiments in the kitchen, keeping folks positive, focused and creative during COVID-19.


The above is not so much a recipe as a concept for an easy, healthy dessert using, in this case, berries and Greek yoghurt. Jennie simply threw some berries into a blender and whizzed them up with some Greek yoghurt, honey and toasted coconut. Then she spooned the mixture into a large ice cube tray and froze it. Brilliant! She's thinking of doing a vanilla and candied walnut one next. The variations are limitless. I'm thinking here in Sarawak where berries are imported and therefore expensive, I could try this with local fruit like ripe mango, papaya or pineapple, add some fresh grated ginger, maybe some toasted almonds and cinnamon. This is a fun one to play around with so create, people! ❤️


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