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   Kickass Pickled Onions


Living in Sarawak for the last ten years has introduced me to some of the most amazing Malaysian, Chinese and indigenous food. Ten years ago, I had never heard of kolo mee, laksa, midin, umai, ayam pansuh and more. I fell in love with all those dishes, so much so that whenever I would return home to Australia, the UK or Canada for a visit, I would miss them. But there are some things that I miss here too. Basic things like Rhubarb, Parsnips, Fresh Peas, Fennel, and lots more. High on the list were crunchy, tangy, spicy pickled onions. ❤️ I used to have a favourite brand from New Zealand when I lived in Sydney. and when I lived in London, it was the fat, homemade, pickled onions rammed into huge jars on the counters of fish 'n' chip shops. So I decided...stop whingeing, woman, and make your own... so I did! Something that's plentiful here, thank goodness, are small red Asian onions (bawang merah kecil). So that's what I used. But you can use any kind of onion, even big ones, sliced. If you love pickled onions, you'll see that making your own is better than anything you'll find in a food store.



a 500ml (16oz approx) heatproof glass Mason jar



200 - 300g small onions, trimmed and peeled

1 cup white vinegar

1 cup apple cider vinegar

2 cups water

1/3 cup cane sugar

2 tbsp sea salt

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp whitened black peppercorns

sprig of thyme

1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)


Sterilise your glass jar by pouring boiling water into it and let it sit while you make the pickled onions.

In a medium-sized saucepan, combine the two vinegars, water, sugar and sea salt (pickling liquid) and bring to boiling point.

Empty the hot water from the jar.

In a large bowl, toss your peeled onions with the  garlic cloves, peppercorns, thyme and red pepper flakes (if you're using the latter) and pack this mixture into the jar.

Pour over your pickling liquid. Clip on your lid and let cool. Once cool, refrigerate for about two weeks or longer.  

Serve with sandwiches, cheese, fish, sliced into salads or, if you're anything like me, straight out of the jar!


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